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MOX Fuel Use in US LWRs -Reply
A recent article in Nuclear Waste News ( October 9, 1997 page 373) is titled
"Study offers hope gallium problems in MOX Fuel can be resolved". The study
concerned Gallium migration in MOX to the Zircaloy cladding. The article listed
Carl Beard at (806) 376-5533 as the information contact.
>>> "K. K. S. Pillay" <s_pillay@lanl.gov> 11/12/97 12:19pm >>>
There have been several uses of Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuels in Light Water
Reactors in the U.S. during 1960's and early 1970's. I know of at least
one of them, which is the use of MOX fuels in 1969 in Dresden-1. There
have been reports of others. I would appreciate hearing from old timers
who participated in these exercises from B&W, UNC, Common Wealth Edison,
GE, and Westinghouse, or from AEC/ ERDA or other organizations. I am
specially looking for literature on these exercises and the
post-irradiation examinations.
Thank you.
Sam Pillay
Dr. K. K. S. Pillay
Nuclear Materials Technology Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mail Stop:E-500
Los Alamos, NM 87545 (USA)
Tel: (505)667-2556
Fax: (505)667-7966