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Engineering internship request
Dear Radsafers :
I would like to work in your company for three or four months as a trainee
engineer. In my third year at the Ecole des Mines of Nantes, France, this
internship should take place in a foreign country from May to August 1998. The
goal is to carry out a project or equivalent defined by the company. My
objectives are to acquire the sense of responsibility of a professional
The Ecole des Mines of Nantes gives a high level versatile industrial
engineering training. To be more precise, the Ecole des Mines engineer is
supposed to be able to master a wide range of methods which aim at designing,
studying, developing, manufacturing or checking a product or a process. In
addition to the high technology course, I have received a substantial teaching
in management of a firm.
In fact this year I have chosen the major : Nuclear and Associated
Technologies. So I would prefer to work on a theme like "Radioactivity in the
service of Industry". The main idea is to work on any kind of subject linked
to Nuclear physics.
Consequently, I would be happy to have the opportunity to apply for a
placement in your company. I would hope that this would be very beneficial. If
you require any further information please contact me. I look forward to
hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Tel : (33)
*Tools and methods of processing data
*Modeling and simulation of intricate systems
VHDL simulator, GEANT, LABVIEW, Monte Carlo methods
*Subatomic physics
Radioactivity, nuclear reactions
*Interaction between radiation and matter
Alpha, Beta, Gamma radiation, neutron, muons, heavy ions
*Instrumentation, detection, particles accelerator
Detectors, spectrometers
*Nuclear reactor and fuel cycle, nuclear waste recycling
PWR, FBR, EPR reactors, controlled fusion
*Carlo Rubbia's hybrid system
Spallation, Transmutation
*Radio protection and nuclear safety
Basic, Turbo-Pascal, C, Smalltalk, linear programming methods.
DOS, AUTOCAD, Matlab, MS Office 97, PaintShopPro.
Good knowledge in computer networks : Unix, FTP, X-Windows, IRC, Telnet.
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| Ludovic Pochon-Guerin |
| ......................... |
| Ecole des Mines de Nantes |
| e-mail : pochon@eleve.emn.fr |