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Re: Re[2]: ALARA at hospital

On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Kent N. Lambert wrote:
> Read 10 CFR 35.315(a)(7) which states that the licensee must "survey 
> the patient's or human research subject's room adn private sanitary 
> facility for removable contamination with a radiation detection 
> survey instrument before assigning another patient or human research 
> subject to the room.  The room must not be reassigned until removable 
> contamination is less than 200 dpm per 100 sq cm."

I don't have these regulations.  Does this mean that there is no 'fixed
contamination' limit in the US regs?


Chris Davey

        RSO  Cross Cancer Institute  11560 University Avenue
        Edmonton   Alberta   Canada  T6G 1Z2
        (403)432-8616   fax 432-8615    email cdavey@med.phys.ualberta.ca
        pager number 005, just call (403) 432-8771 and ask for that pager