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Re: Letter to Shirley Jackson
Jim Muckerheide suggested the following specific thresholds:
30 rem for breast cancer (based on fluoroscopy patients)
10-15 rem for leukemia (based on radiotherapy patients?)
Let's see where they lead us. We want to be protective, so I'll use an
overall threshold of 10 rem. You can use another value if you wish.
STANDARD NO. 1: The accute exposure limit is 10 rem.
We need to protect from chronic radiation as well, so I'll use a DDREF of 2
and a working lifetime of 50 y. Calculate with another if you like.
STANDARD NO. 2: The annual occupational dose limit is 400 mrem.
Members of the public may be exposed for their enire lives, not just their
working lifetimes. I'll use a life expectancy of 80 y.
STANDARD NO. 3: The annual dose limit for the public is 250 mrem.
I think I'd rather stay with the present standards. Thank you just the same.
Dave Scherer