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RE: Rad jokes needed
The HPS Newsletter had a cartoonist a few years back by the name of Bud
Grace. He wasn't scientist or engineer but his gags were very
tongue-in-cheek and insightful. Unfortunately, his humor was probably a
little too insightful for the health physics community because he was
eliminated from the newsletter a few years back. Too bad, because I really
looked forward to his gags every month.
One of my favorites of his was two guys in full PCs on different sides of a
glove box room both with their hands in the gloves looking at each other
through the glass. The had that "uh-oh" expressions on their faces.
If somebody out kept a compliation of his gags, which probably means
keeping all the old HPS Newsletters since around 1980, I'd be interested in
talking with you about getting copies of the gags.
Vince Chase
Radiation Safety Officer
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
The opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not represent
the opinions policies or practices of Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals.
From: certhp@VNET.IBM.COM
To: radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu; CHASE, VINCE AD BIPUS
Subject: Rad jokes needed
Date: Wednesday, December 17, 1997 11:13AM
<<File Attachment: ENVELOPE.TXT>>
In an attempt to liven up my rad safety classes I thought
I might try using some rad jokes, puns, stories, or
other funny stuff. Problem is I don't know any!!!
Anyone have a joke they can share?
Jeffrey Leavey certhp@vnet.ibm.com
X-ray Lithography Program IBM Corp.
914-892-4595 FAX -6043 East Fishkill, NY 12533