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answer environmentalist lumping

For those concerned with the lumping of all environmentalists into 
one group, I offer the following :

The grouping in my mind is as follows:

Group one is a large number of insightful people who deeply care 
about the future of our environment and provide honesty, hard work, 
money, time, usually locally, to the preservation of same.

Group two is a rather small, noisy, dishonest, well connected rabble 
who resort to knowingly being dishonest, intimidation, bad science, 
the breaking of laws, violation of individual property rights and any 
other constitutional right which presents a barrier.  To these 
people, the end justifies the means.  They are the enemies of truth 
and purveyors of lies and they are the darllings of the media and of
spineless politicians.

If any from Group I  resents being lumped with members of Group 2, I 
say to avoid this you should perhaps consider actively alienating 
yourself from them, form your own group(s), stop being only local, 
become more vocal, counter the unrelenting trash from these people 
more vocally in your area and nationally.

To the general public, environmentalists are sometimes thought of as 
one group and type simply because Group 2 is doing a much better job 
with their propaganda machine.  Time to wake up if you don't want to 
be lumped.

George Rawls
University of Florida
Health Physicist