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RE: Isokinetic Flow Standards
One of our Rad Engineers, Rob Jones, believes he may know a reference.
He states there is a standard for isokinetic particulate sampling - he
believes it is Reg Guide 8.25 "Air Sampling in the Workplace." Try
checking ANSI N13.1 and N317.
I hope this helps.
Scott E. Huneycutt
PFP Radiological Control
Hanford, Washington
phone: (509) 376-8623
pager: 85-9358
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Samuel M. Stilwell [SMTP:sstilwel@proto.protopower.com]
> Sent: Monday, December 22, 1997 7:42 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Isokinetic Flow Standards
> I'm looking for an industry standard (HPS or ANSI ?) on
> recommendations for determining isokinetic flow for gas sampling
> systems (if such a thing exists). While my old textbooks work fine
> for me, some clients like to be more formally convinced.
> Thanks ahead of time.
> Sam Stilwell
> Proto-Power Corporation
> Groton, CT
> 860-405-7208, x3037
> sstilwel@proto.protopower.com