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Re: Hiroshima: Of Historical Interest
Since I posted the message regarding WW2 leaflet dropped over Japan, I
received many request for the files, too many for me to respond
individually. Thank for your interest.
Fortunately Bruce Busby offered to post the image file and the translation
on his web page. Go to: http://www.sph.umich.edu/~bbusby/leaflet.htm
Thanks Bruce!
If you do not have a browser, please let me know by sending me a private
For the people I initially responded to, the resolution of the image was
poor so you will have difficulty reading the Japanese text. The larger
image file in Bruce's page in JPG format and is clearer and you can make
out the text.
As I stated before, I was *told* that this leaflet was dropped over
Hiroshima after the bomb. I have no way to verify this, but perhaps someone
in the Department of Defense can look up Leaflet No. 2046 to learn its
My wife and I discussed if this was a genuine leaflet, and if so when and
where could it have been dropped. From the style of writing it appears to
be from that era. From the text, it is unclear if it refers to the Little
Boy and the Fat Man, or other incendiary bombs, the type used on Tokyo fire
bombing. My wife felt that it refers to the Hiroshima bomb. My father
doesn't recall seeing the leaflet in Hiroshima, but I was told that the
soldiers were forbidden to pickup and read leaflets.
Please remember that this was translated by a couple of rank amateurs!
Tosh Ushino