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Re: Hot animals
My read on this is that these animals are exempt from DOT, and also NRC,
regulation because the radioactive material has been injected into or
ingested by live animal(s), and therefore, per 49 CFR 173.401 (b)(3),
the regs do not apply. Just make sure they do not die in transit. Then
you have radwaste.
> Hello Radsafers:
> I'm curious to know if anyone transported animals containing RAM
> (I-123,125, & 131) with 10 to 20 mCi of activity. I need to
> these hot animals from one facility to another which is 5 miles
> FYI, animals are injected with RAM, imaged and transported back to
> facility for follow up study. According to 10 CFR 49, part
> this seems to fall into a gray area. Any suggestions or hints are
> welcome. Thank you in advance
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