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RE: dose from airborne emissions

	Does this include Nuclear Power Plants?

Ricky Khaloo
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.,

>From: 	Andrew Karam[SMTP:karam.1@osu.edu]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, January 06, 1998 2:28 PM
>To: 	Multiple recipients of list
>Subject: 	dose from airborne emissions
>Dear RadSafers:
>I just found out that the Ohio EPA is proposing to change airborne
>emissions rules to require permitting any facility "having radionuclide
>emissions to the ambient air that...would cause a member of the public to
>receive in ay year an effective dose equivalent of 0.1 millirem/year...."
>Current OEPA regulations do not mention radionuclide emissions at all and
>the OEPA currently does not deal with radiological regulation in Ohio.
>Ohio is not an NRC Agreement State.
>The EPA has scheduled a public hearing on their proposed rule change for
>this Friday.  I plan to attend and to submit testimony in opposition to
>this standard.  Because of the short notice, I would appreciate any solid
>information I can include in my testimony with respect to the feasibility
>of monitoring and enforcing such a standard, comparisons with other
>industrial emissions (for example, radon from natural gas plants, C-14 from
>wood-burning plants, etc.), and so forth.  I have many of the basic
>references and will be going through them, but I also realize that many
>minds working together are much better than mine in isolation.
>I know that this standard is stupid, uninformed, costly, and all that.
>That's why I'll be testifying against it.  So please don't go into all
>that, for the sake of other list members.  Please send any thoughts you
>might have directly to me (karam.1@osu.edu) or post them if you think them
>to be of general interest.
>Thanks in advance!  I will be happy to make available a copy of my
>statements to anyone who may be interested.
>Andrew Karam, CHP  (karam.1@osu.edu)
>The Ohio State University Office of Radiation Safety
>1314 Kinnear Road
>Columbus, OH  43212
>(614) 292-1284 (phone)
>(614) 292-7002 (fax)