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Re: Info on Nuclear Technology

        Reply to:   RE>Info on Nuclear Technology

Hi Rick and RADSAFER's:

I would recommend these texts:

The Radiation Controversy, by Dr. Ralph E. Lapp, 1979, Reddy Communications, Inc.

Living With Radiation, USAEC, 1970, Superintendent of Documents

Radiation and Radioactivity, on Earth and Beyond, Ivan G. Draganic, Zorica D. Draganic and Jean-Pierre Adloff, 1990, CRC Press, Inc.

The Lapp book is a softcover which does a great job in disputing a lot of radiation fearmongering.  The second title by the USAEC is a nice simple explanation of radiation, radiation safety, and nuclear technology.  The last book, is a really a nice book which is at a high school to undergrad level and covers everything you would want to know about nuclear technology without becoming a nuclear engineer.  It has chapters on the history of the discovery of radiation, atomic structure, ionizing radiation, cosmic development, the early earth, the contemporary earth, nuclear energy, and ends with a chapter on perspectives of nuclear technology.  Each chapter ends with a list of references for further reading.  Each of these would be valuable additions to any library.

Michael J. Bohan, RSO   |  e-mail: mike.bohan@yale.edu
Yale-New Haven Hospital |    Tele: (203) 785-2950
Radiological Physics    |     FAX: (203) 737-4252
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