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Administrative, Address Change to Radsafe

                   Ohio University Electronic Communication

Date:  26-Jan-1998 10:54am EST

  To:  Remote Addressee                     ( _MX%"radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu" )

From:  Leroy Scribner                           Dept:  Environmental Health and Safety
       SCRIBNER                                 Tel No:  614-593-1666

Subj:  Administrative, Address Change to Radsafe

    I have tried to change my e-mail address on this list serve but have 
    not been successful.  I'm sending this to radsafe in hopes of 
    implementing the change.  The old address on the listserve now is 
    scribner@ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu the address it should be is 

Received:  26-Jan-1998 11:01am