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Re: New Steve Wing Study

While I can appreciate the sentiments expressed by Sandy Perle here, I agree
with Dr. Gibbs' defense of epi studies (not limited to the massive case of
smoking and lung cancer effects, though that reminds of the statement of a
public health disaster being one so large that an epi study could find it), I
am not critical of epi studies. There are many good epi studies. There are
also many politically motivated, biased, epi studies. 

I'm not critical of Wing's work "because I don't agree with the results", but
because the results are biased manipulations of data. I don't agree with
Bernie Cohen's radon studies (and many other good epi studies) "because I
agree with the results", but because there is no credible scientific/technical 
question applying hard data and rigorous analysis, to the veracity and
integrity of the methods and analysis as representing the real world, and
there is no valid technical question of the results. (And aggressive critics - 
not most who have reasonable doubts and questions - are Wing-like in the bias
and misrepresentation of the data and analysis committed to a predetermined,
often self-serving, result.) 


Regards, Jim Muckerheide
Radiation, Science, and Health, Inc

> Jim Muckerheide said the following:
> > Why is there so little shock and concern about what is happening to science
> > and integrity, with so little reaction? Has the cadre of competent scientists
> > that once made up the labs and DOE/gov't-funded programs been reduced through
> > attrition to a few supporters of the 'any radiation is harmful' philosophy? 
> > though I suppose there may be concern about negative reactions from DOE to
> > taking contrary positions? 
> The above supports my contention the other day that "most" 
> epidemiological studies are inherently evil, in that they 
> "manufacture" the results that support their agenda. The outcome is 
> that very few will accept the results of any study, except as 
> follows:
> 1. If you have the same agenda, you will agree, and promote the 
> findings.
> 2. If your desired results aren't supported, you will not accept, and 
> go out and take pock shots at the study.
> The data contained within the report is only for show, and in the 
> end, is rendered meaningless.
> ------------------
> Sandy Perle