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History: William E. Kriegsman
The following obituary appeared in the February 27, 1998
issue of the San Jose Mercury News:
KRIEGSMAN, William E., 66,
a former member of the Atomic Energy Commission and a
consultant on national defense, energy and environmental
issues; Monday of cancer in Washington. In 1957, Mr.
Kriegsman joined the New York staff of the AEC, the
forerunner of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. He
transferred several years later to the agency's Washington
staff, where he held posts as a health physicist and analyst.
In 1969 he joined the staff of the White House, resigning
in 1971 to become vice president of Arthur D. Little Inc.,
a Washington consulting company. Mr. Kriegsman left Little
in 1973 to return to the AEC as one of its commissioners.
In 1974 he went back to Little as head of its Washington
office. Later he joined Booz Allen & Hamilton as a vice
president before starting his own firm, Mesa Consulting
Group Inc. He retired last year.