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Professional Opinions Wanted

     Fellow Radsafers,
     I would like to solicit professional opinions
     on the following scenario since there has
     been some disagreement amongst some members
     of the radiation protection community.
     I ask that you respond to me directly
     instead of to the list.
     I will post a summary of the results to
     RADSAFE if appropriate.
     Consider the following :
     A radiopharmacist is carrying out a procedure
     in a fume hood which involves the heating of
     an Yttrium 90 solution (3 Curies or 100 GBq).
      The container is breached
     and the solution spills into the fume hood.
     The worker proceeds to clean up the spill, initially
     by themself, then with radiation protection personnel assistance
     after having performed a significant amount of cleanup themself.
     Initial cleanup takes 1-1.5 h. Total cleanup most of one day.
     During the cleanup, the worker wears double latex gloves, a lead 
     apron, a plastic face shield, no extremity dosimeter and no whole body 
     During the cleanup some of the items used to absorb the
     Y90 solution are picked up by a gloved hand and deposited
     into the waste bag.
     1. Do you feel this is a serious event in your estimation ?
     2. Would this be considered a 'reportable event' in your
     jurisdiction ?
     3. Any other questions/comments ?
     Thanks for your time
     Jim Presley
     Senior Health Physicist
     Atomic Energy Control Board