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Job Opening - Radiological Engineer
Information about the following position can be obtained by
Neil Gergen
General Technology Corporation
6816 Washington NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: (505) 345-5591 ext. 3082
FAX: (505) 343-7653
e-mail: gergen@gt-corp.com
This position is at Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM and
is full time for a period of 2-3 years. The successful candidate will
possess or be able to obtain a DOE "Q" clearance.
Job Description: This radiological engineer will be assigned to the
radiation protection team that supports Division 9000,
SNL/Albuquerque, supporting operations involving various radiation
generating devices (RGDs), primarily accelerators. Individual will
review and perform RGD shielding analyses; review and perform source
term and activation analyses; review technical work documents
involving RGDs; participate in ES&H appraisals, and meeting of the
Pulsed Power Safety Committee and various machine safety committees;
and provide radiation protection advice to experimenters, facility
operators, and radiation protection technicians. Experience with
accelerators is desirable, but is not necessary provided individual
has reasonably broad experience with other RGDs.
Required Criteria: Advanced degree in health physics, or closely
related discipline. Minimum three years experience in radiation
protection. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively, orally
and in writing, and to team effectively with engineers, scientists,
and technicians. Experience in implementing 10CFR835 and 10CFR20
Neil Gergen
Technical Recruiter
Contract Personnel Services
General Technology Corporation