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RE: Clarification re Y90 Spill

As a representative of a canadian licensee, let me only say that the regs
are not clear as for reporting  such particular incident. So any legal
action may end up (again?) as a waste of my tax money. The fines are
ridiculously low (new Act is not inforced yet). 

Any legal processes should be taken out of the Mail list and that is an
evidence if you represent the regulator who may prosecute ! (friendly

As for the particular case, I would have reported the incident, considering
the activities involved and possible over exposures. 

This is MY opinion, I sure don't want to influence a future inspection of my
facility ! :-)

Stephane JF
Gestion du Risque\Risk Management
Merck Frosst Canada 

* 514.428.8695
Fax: 514.428.4917

> ----------
> From: 	presley.j@atomcon.gc.ca[SMTP:presley.j@atomcon.gc.ca]
> Sent: 	Thursday, March 05, 1998 4:30 PM
> To: 	Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: 	Clarification re Y90 Spill
>      Radsafers,
>      For those of you who have a 
>      keen eye, you may have inferred
>      from my last note on the Y-90
>      spill, that it occurred at McMaster University.
>      As was pointed out to me, I want to clarify
>      that the spill did not occur at McMaster University.
>      Jim Presley
>      Senior Health Physicist
>      Atomic Energy Control Board
>      presley.j@atomcon.gc.ca