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10 Day Rule
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 09:54:20 -0500
>Reply-To: Medical Physics Mailing List <MEDPHYS@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU>
>Sender: Medical Physics Listserver <medphys@lists.wayne.edu>
>Subject: 10 Day Rule
>To: Multiple recipients of list MEDPHYS <MEDPHYS@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU>
> ** Mail from Medphys Listserver **
>If you reply to this message, it will be posted on Medphys for all the
>subscribers to review ...
>In a 1997 ACR publication it is stated:
> The "10 Day Rule" recommended by the ICRP in 1970 is obsolete. In
1983 the ICRP stated the following concerning the risk of possible fetal
exposure from diagnostic radiological examinations. (Chapters 3 and 4)
> In the first 10 days following the onset of a menstrual period there
can be no risk to the conceptus, since no conception will have occurred.
The risk to a child who had been previously irradited in utero during the
remainder of a 4-week period following the onset of menstruation is likely
to be so small that there need be no special limitation on exposures
required within the 4 weeks.
>Is the 10 Day Rule still being used or has it been replaced by the 1983
recommendation? What guidelines for requiring pregnancy tests (HCG) before
diagnostic x-ray procedures are you using?