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Re: German police guarding convoy fear radiation danger
Dr. Hill wrote:
>My understanding is, that the UNION is not concerned with radiation
>science. They are however have to be concerned with the safety of their
>members at their work places. They are not self-appointed experts since
>they don't make statements as expersts on radiation safety , they merely
>repeat the advice of experts they sought. And they got it from our valued
>collegues Prof. Kohnlein et al. who are cited in German newspapers claiming
>neutron doses currently being strongly underestimated in biological
The union official may not have intentionally set himself up as an expert,
but he very clearly implies that he believes that the radiation from the
train will give his people cancers of various sorts. This is at best
paranoid, and at worst, damned irresponsible, especially in light of the
transport dosimetry you cited.
I'm not particularly familiar with the overall tone of the work of the
"valued colleagues" you mentioned. Are these folks really good, or do you
value them like we value Helen Caldicott?
J. Eric Denison
1729 Penworth Drive
Columbus, OH 43229-5216
ph. (614) 433-0387
e-mail: denison.8@osu.edu