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looking for Health Physics issues
I am interested in obtaining copies of two back issues of Health Physics,
May, 1987 (Special Issue on Radiation Hormesis) and July, 1990 (Biological
Effects of Low-Dose Radiation: A Workshop). I contacted the publisher and
was told they do not sell single issues printed before 1995. Can anyone in
RADSAFE-land offer any suggestions or assistance?
The opinions expressed above are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to
say, they are not those of my employer. (with apologies to Michael Feldman)
Andrew Karam, MS, CHP (614) 292-1284 (phone)
The Ohio State University (614) 292-7002 (fax)
Office of Radiation Safety "The mind is not a vessel to
1314 Kinnear Road be filled but a fire to be
Columbus, OH 43212 lighted." (Plutarch)