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Process Control Programs

     Radsafers, particularly power plant folks:     
     It appears that at some point in the 1970s the NRC began 
     requiring that power reactor licensees establish written Process 
     Control Programs (PCPs) to ensure proper processing of wet 
     wastes.  Cement solidification was widely-used but problematic, 
     and commercial burial sites were having problems (Sheffield, West 
     Valley, Maxey Flats).  PCPs eventually became a required element 
     of Radiological Effluent Tech Specs, a requirement lifted via 
     Generic Letter in 1989.  
     Would anybody be familiar with the origin of the PCP requirement? 
     Modern events (10CFR61, dewatering in HICs, GL 89-01) make 
     understanding the PCP requirement difficult for some newcomers.  
     Where did it actually come from, what is really required 
     (references), and in what sense is a PCP relevant today?  
     Please respond directly to me at <goldinem@songs.sce.com> or to 
     Mark Lewis at <lewismm@songs.sce.com>
     Thanks, Eric Goldin
     Southern California Edison