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	My thanks to all of you who replied to my query on an AmBe Monsanto source....

	I have been able (I think) to piece together enough information to answer most if not all of my questions.

	Once again RADSAFErs have come through...

	Thanks again to all of you who took the time and trouble to reply,

	Joel Baumbaugh


Joel T. Baumbaugh, MPH, MHP
Radiation Safety Officer
SSC San Diego, CA

	NOTE:	The contents of this message have not been reviewed, nor approved by
the Federal Government, the U.S. Navy, my bosses or my wife...

	How times change - how everthing remains the same:

2000 B.C.     "Eat this root."
1000 A.D.     "That root is heathen.  Say this prayer."
1850 A.D.     "That prayer isn't medicine.  Drink this potion."
1940 A.D.     "That potion is snake oil.  Swallow this pill."
1985 A.D.     "That pill is ineffective.  Take this antibiotic."
2000 A.D.     "That anibiotic is ineffective.  Eat this root."