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The December 14 Gamma Ray Burst
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Date: Thu, 7 May 1998 10:29:08 -0500
>Reply-To: Medical Physics Mailing List <MEDPHYS@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU>
>Sender: Medical Physics Listserver <medphys@lists.wayne.edu>
>From: Jeff Limmer <Jeffl@WAUSHOSP.ORG>
>Subject: The December 14 Gamma Ray Burst
>To: Multiple recipients of list MEDPHYS <MEDPHYS@LISTS.WAYNE.EDU>
> ** Mail from Medphys Listserver **
>If you reply to this message, it will be posted on Medphys for all the
>subscribers to review ...
>You may have heard about the mysterious gamma ray burst
>recorded last December 14 but just reported recently. In a
>report about it that I have just read is a reference which
>goes like this:
>"The peak of the X-ray flux,... ..., was about 1 Crab."
>Is there anyone who knows what this unit is and its history.
>I looked through many old physics books and could not find
>this unit for X-ray flux.
>The email address where I found this report is:
>Jeff Limmer M.S.Ed., M.Sc.
>Radiation Oncology Physicist
>Wausau Regional Cancer Center
>333 Pine Ridge Blvd.
>Wausau, Wisconsin 54401-4120
>phone: 800/283-2881 x. 72867
>fax: 715/847-2319
>E-mail: JeffL@waushosp.org