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RE: Children in Research Areas

Ken Price's posting brought back to memory something I read in
NUREG/CR-6204 "Questions & answers based on revised 10 CFR 20".

Question 33 on page 15 said: "What is the dose limit for visitors entering
a restricted area (e.g., visitors to a hospital, patients' relatives,
escorted tourists)?

Answer: "Occupational dose limits apply to all individuals who enter a
"restricted area." This is also the case under the old Part 20..."

My question: If you let a child (<18) into the "restricted area" (for
whatever reason!), my understanding, by reading the NUREG then, is that the
child is subject to the occ. dose limit for minors (10% of adult limits).
Is my interpretation correct? Any comment would be appreciated.

Quang Le, RSO
ICN Biomedicals