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Re: Children in Research Areas

    In my copy under Question 26a  and the heading OCCUPATIONAL DOSE VS. PUBLIC
DOSE it says: By definition, and with the exceptions given in the definitions
of "occupational dose", any dose received by any individual in a "restricted
area" is an "occupational dose".  No one in a "restricted area" is a "member
of  the public."

Since no one is a restricted area is a member of the general public and doses
to members of the general public are not occupational doses by definition in
20.1003 then the doses to minors in a restricted area are limited to 10% of the
occupational limits 20.1207.

This would apply for example to grade school kids or high school kids who come
and take tours of the training reactor at our university and enter the
restricted areas.

university of maryland

Quang Le wrote:

> Ken Price's posting brought back to memory something I read in
> NUREG/CR-6204 "Questions & answers based on revised 10 CFR 20".
> Question 33 on page 15 said: "What is the dose limit for visitors entering
> a restricted area (e.g., visitors to a hospital, patients' relatives,
> escorted tourists)?
> Answer: "Occupational dose limits apply to all individuals who enter a
> "restricted area." This is also the case under the old Part 20..."
> My question: If you let a child (<18) into the "restricted area" (for
> whatever reason!), my understanding, by reading the NUREG then, is that the
> child is subject to the occ. dose limit for minors (10% of adult limits).
> Is my interpretation correct? Any comment would be appreciated.
> Quang Le, RSO
> ICN Biomedicals
> <qmle@icnpharm.com>