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Re: Astrocytoma
The classification of brain tumors is complicated and requires real
expertise. When it comes to childhood brain tumors (about 10 different
categories), different classifications may be made depending on who
performs the analysis. The difference in statistics from hospital to
hospital may be large due to this. This also calls for caution in the
interpretation of epidemiological data. For treatment, prognosis etc -
someone else can perhaps comment. What I have written is second hand
information I got from physicians a couple of years ago. The exact
questions could perhaps be referred to some Internet-based group in
Bjorn Cedervall
Dept. Medical Radiation Biology,
Karolinska Institutet
>I was wondering if anyone had any information the brain tumour:
> 'astrocytoma'
>or if anyone new of any helpful web sites. Your help would be most
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