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MK Team Wins Chernobyl Shelter Contract

Tuesday July 14, 11:33 am Eastern Time

Company Press Release

SOURCE: Morrison Knudsen Corporation

MK Team Wins Chernobyl Shelter Contract

BOISE, Idaho, July 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Morrison Knudsen 
Corporation (NYSE: MK - news) announced today that it has
signed, as sponsor of the ICC (MK) Joint Venture, a multimillion-
dollar contract with EnergoAtom of Ukraine
(owner-operator responsible for the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant) 
to perform civil engineering consulting services on the
Chernobyl Shelter Implementation Project (SIP) over the next two 

The project is part of the Chernobyl program being funded by the 
G7, Ukraine and other donor countries, through the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The 
SIP is a continuation of significant efforts, primarily by
Ukraine, with international community involvement over the past 12 

The project consists of evaluation and integration of existing 
information, structural investigation, monitoring of existing
``Ukrytie'' construction, and geotechnical investigations as well as 
analyzing the seismic characterization and monitoring, and
development of a pre-conceptual design to convert the shelter, and 
eventually the Chernobyl Unit 4, into an environmentally
safe site. 

``This contract provides us a new opportunity to expand our 
activities in Ukraine and continue MK's successful training and
development of local talent and subcontractors,'' said Thomas H. 
Zarges, president of the company's Engineers &
Constructors Group. ``We are proud to bring to this project over five 
decades of service to the nuclear industry.'' 

The ICC (MK) Joint Venture is comprised of Morrison Knudsen 
International Company, Inc. (MK), BNFL Engineering Ltd.
(BNFL), State Scientific-Research Institute of Building 
Constructions (NIISK), Kiev Scientific R&D Designing Institute
``EnergoProekt'' (KIEP), and Interdisciplinary Scientific and 
Technical Center ``Ukrytie'' (ISTC). 

The Ukrainian partners (NIISK, KIEP and ISTC) bring years of 
Chernobyl experience in structural, heat mass and nuclear
safety areas to the joint venture and they hold licenses to perform 
technical investigations and designs in the nuclear industry in
Ukraine. ``The Ukrainian team looks forward to combining their 
years of Chernobyl experience with western technologies to
resolve the complex engineering issues of converting the shelter to 
an environmentally safe site,'' said Zarges. 

BNFL's experience spans all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle, 
from fuel manufacturing and enrichment, to reactor operations
and power generation, through to used fuel reprocessing, 
transporting, waste management and ultimately decommissioning. 

Morrison Knudsen Corporation has 8,500 employees at work in 
more than 35 countries serving the environmental, heavy civil,
industrial, mining, operations and maintenance, power, process, 
and transportation markets as an engineer and constructor. 

Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
ICN Plaza
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Costa Mesa, CA 92626
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