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natural radionuclides in drinking water


We are currently working on a project for the European Union regarding the
removal of natural radionuclides from drinking water. Progress on various
methods is good, but one of my concerns it the question of what to do with
the waste arising from removal of radium, uranium and other radionuclides.
I am studying now a project for removal of excess radium by
"coprecipitation" with Mn and Fe, which has to be removed anyway. Both the
amount and the concentration of Ra-226 in the precipitate are far above the
limits for working without a license, which means that the water company
will have to apply for a licence to work with radioactive material. This is
necessary both according to current Austrian law and the European directive
which will be implemented in Austria as well soon. 

I know that much work on removal of natural radionuclides has been done
especially in the USA. Removing radon by bubbling air through the water
will hopefully not cause any elevated concentrations of radon or progeny,
but removal of Rn by granulated activated charcoal will, not to talk about
removal of uranium by ion exchange.

Are there similar concerns in other countries - not only the USA? Is there
any experience with how to apply legislation - in different countries - to
this question? Have there been any licenses granted already? If you cannot
provide the answer, could you direct me to persons or authorities being
responsible for such questions?

I appreciate any information.

Best wishes,


Franz Schoenhofer
Habicherg. 31/7
A-1160 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-495 53 08
Fax.: same number
mobile phone: +43-664-338 0 333
e-mail: schoenho@via.at

Federal Institute for Food Control and Research
Department of Radiochemistry
Kinderspitalg. 15
A-1095 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-40 491 520
Fax.: +43-1-40 491 540
e-mail: schoenhofer@baluf.via.at
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