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RE: Training Question for DOE facilities

	Steven B. DuBose

	Steve DuBose
	Bechtel Jacobs Company LLC
	EMEF RADCON Field Operations Manager
	(423)576-3693 Pager (Alpha-Num.) 873-9020
	Fax 576-2999

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Keith Welch [SMTP:welch@jlab.org]
> Sent:	Tuesday, October 06, 1998 5:28 PM
> To:	Multiple recipients of list
> Subject:	Training Question for DOE facilities
> I'm checking which way the wind's blowing on a training issue.  If
> you're at a DOE facility, can you please respond (or pass along to
> your training gurus) to these quick questions - directly to me.  I'll
> post results.
> Thanks.
> 1.  Do you train in the following categories: (as defined by 10CFR835)
>     GERT			Yes
>     Radworker	Yes
>     Radcon Technician	Yes
> 2.  Is passing a test required for initial qualification in:
>     GERT		Yes
>     Radworker	Yes
>     RCT		Yes
> 3.  Is passing a test required for re-qualification in:
>     GERT		Yes
>     Radworker	Yes
>     RCT	Yes
> 4.  If you didn't have to (for the ones you do), would you test for
> re-qualification anyway on:
>     GERT		Yes
>     Radworker	Yes
>     RCT	Yes
> 4b.  If you answered yes on some but not all in 4, describe your
> rationale for when testing "should" be required.
> 5.  In your opinion, does the current version of 835 require testing
> in both initial and retraining on :
>     GERT			Yes for initial, retraining every 2
> years when there has been significant changes to the radiation
> policies and procedures that affect the general employee.
>     Radworker	Yes
>     RCT			Yes
> 6.  Are you aware of any Technical Position from DOE allowing waiving
> of testing for any of the above training.  Please cite reference.  NO
> Thanks again.
> Keith Welch
> Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
> Newport News VA
> welch@jlab.org
> Ph: (757)269-7212
> FAX:(757)269-5048
> **********************************************************************
> **
> The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
> information can be accessed at
> http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html