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TVA's Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Sets World Record
Thursday October 8, 3:00 pm Eastern Time
Company Press Release
SOURCE: Tennessee Valley Authority
TVA's Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Sets World Record
With Refueling Outage
SODDY-DAISY, Tenn., Oct. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- TVA employees
returned Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Unit 1 to service today,
completing a 29-day refueling outage and setting a world refueling
record for plants of similar design.
Unit 1 was reconnected to TVA's seven-state power system at 5:43
a.m., 31 hours ahead of the previous refueling outage
record held by Sequoyah Unit 2. The unit began the refueling
outage September 9.
``The Sequoyah team continues to demonstrate its commitment to
making this plant one of the best in the industry,'' said TVA
Chief Nuclear Officer John Scalice. ``The team set an aggressive
schedule, completed the work and delivered on time.
Successful short outages and safe, efficient, reliable operations
between outages have helped make this plant a top performer.''
During the scheduled outage, employees replaced 81 of 193 fuel
assemblies and made numerous modifications to enhance the
reliability of plant equipment. Hundreds of tests and inspections
were completed.
``The modifications and upgrades completed during the outage will
further enhance the overall condition of the plant,'' said
Sequoyah Vice President Masoud Bajestani. ``Completing
extensive pre-outage activities, performing the right work in a timely
and high-quality manner and working together as a team allowed
us to return the unit to service in just over four weeks.''
TVA operates five nuclear units, two at Sequoyah, two at Browns
Ferry Nuclear Plant in Athens, Ala., and one at Watts Bar
Nuclear Plant in Spring City, Tenn. Sequoyah and Browns Ferry
both earned the highest possible rating from industry
evaluators earlier this year for overall excellence in plant operation
and meeting industry standards.
TVA is the nation's largest producer of electricity, and its power
system is self-financed. TVA provides power to large
industries and 159 power distributors that serve about 8 million
consumers in seven southeastern states.
Sandy Perle
Technical Director
ICN Dosimetry Division
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