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Re: Does Size Matter?
Greetings all,
First the size of cells (I vaguely recall graphs of cell size vs
radiosensitivity), and now the size of humans.
This is an important point mainly because a lot of dosimetry is based on
reference man. I was in a meeting sponsored by the IAEA in Manilla about
1.5 years ago and this topic came up. The problem was they wanted to get
data on doses from diagnostic and other radiology in Asia. They wanted to
get data from "reference man like" individuals. Of course this is hard in
that part of the world (Indonesia, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Bangladesh, China).
The problem was that they needed these large people so the data would fit
into the standard models back in Vienna. I doubt they ever got sufficient
numbers of large people.
Someone recently said that there is nothing interesting left to be done in
operational Health Physics. I guess it depends on what you call
Robert J. Gunter Tel: (714) 545-0100
Sr. Technical Specialist Tel: (800) 548-5100 Ext. 2414
ICN Biomedicals, Inc. Fax: (714) 668-3149
Dosimetry Division Email: rjgunter@icnpharm.com
3300 Hyland Avenue
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
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