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Bi-212 - Thanks!

Many thanks to all who responded regarding the Bi-212 generator I asked
about yesterday.  It looks as though production of these generators is
being moved from ANL to ORNL.  It was pointed out to me that Bi-213
generators exist that do no have the high-energy gamma associated with
them.  These would be easier to shield than the Bi-212 generators.  In
addition, one person noted that the Bi-212 generators also generate a fair
amount of Rn-220.  I will recommend to our researcher that he look
seriously at the Bi-213 generators since they are currently available and
seem to be easier to handle radiologically.

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to respond to my question.


Andrew Karam, MS, CHP				
RSO, University of Rochester			  
(716) 275-3781 (voice)						
(716) 256-0365 (fax)


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