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Re: Material Security

Your "security proposal" seems solid.  Why not go with it and dare the
regulators to find you in violation??  Bill Fendt U of DE  35346@udel.edu

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998, Gregory M. Krause wrote:

> I'm looking for comments on material security in a University/Research
> setting.  Our University's Medical School research wing has laboratories
> that are cannot be completely secured.  The door to the main hall can be
> locked, but each laboratory is connected to at least one of its neighbors
> by a fire door that cannot be locked.  Naturally the researchers have used
> the fire doors to establish suites of rooms, so they can go between labs
> without going into the main hall.  Our Agreement State regulators however,
> feel that we cannot adequately secure the labs, since we cannot lock the
> fire doors.  Our security proposal was to have all stock material placed
> in locked freezers/refrigerators/cabinets/etc., store all bulk waste in
> securely locked storage rooms, and lock laboratories when not occupied.
> The State wants more, but we're not sure where we want to go with this.
> The State suggested installing loud local alarms on the fire doors, but
> the researchers are opposed since they currently use the labs as suites.
> I've proposed limiting access to the entire floors, but the professors
> also have their offices attached to their labs and locking the floors
> would limit student access to the professors.  Naturally completely
> redesigning the building is out of the question.  Any ideas?  Please
> e-mail responses to me at:  grekraus@badlands.nodak.edu
> Thanks
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