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MicroShield User's Group Update

Status Update on Grove Engineering MicroShield User's Group

After some messages between Grove Engineering and myself I 
am pleased to say that Grove Engineering has set up a general 
software e-mail address for their products, and has identified 
a technical point of contact for MicroShield questions (only).  
Please send your questions and comments directly to them.  
The have also indicated that they may setup a Web Page/Site 
as well depending upon the demand, so please provide them 
your ideas, comments and concerns. Thanks to all who 
responded to my inquiry.

Software Questions:   radsoft@framatech.com
MicroShield Technical Questions: gworku@framatech.com
                                               (Getachew Worku) 

Craig Jensen  
Battelle Columbus 

The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html