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I have collected data from 78 RADSAFE replies via e-mail and 2 faxes for health physicist (HP) salaries, in order to compare or contrast to ORISE salaries as published in the November 1998 HPS Newsletter.  This information should not be used for arbitration or negotiation.  This data reflects only a grab sample from those HP's with computers and internet access using RADSAFE.  All reported hourly rates were converted to annual salaries using 2080 hours per year.

The HP categories include medical/academic, state government, federal government, military, industrial and research HP employers which are used to construct a profile of current average annual HP salaries, ranging from:

HP trainee or academic level I 
AVERAGE of 10 replies $25,825
HIGH $40,392 (CO*)

HP (I) one - or junior HP - 1 to 2 years experience
AVERAGE of 14 replies $36,550
HIGH $56,537

HP (II) two - or senior - 2 to 5 years experience
AVERAGE of 10 replies $42,755
HIGH $65,442

HP (III) three - more than five years experience
AVERAGE of 15 replies $48,767
HIGH $75,751

HP (IV) four - more than ten years experience
AVERAGE of 10 replies $52,846
HIGH $85,358

HP (V) five - supervisory duties 
AVERAGE of 11 replies $59,776
HIGH $94,120

HP Supervisor or Manager
AVERAGE of 10 replies $64,115
HIGH $77,856

*CO salaries are reported to be frozen for 2 years.

Large businesses or major metropolitan employers may have inflated salaries by comparison to small business.  

The reason for the survey is not to discriminate, but rather to compare average salaries for the purposes of  (1)  professional discussion and/or (2) proposed staffing in state programs and legislative agendas. 

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving 
(I have alot to be thankful for since working 7 twelve hour days at Oyster Creek (BWR) for $4/hr as a postgraduate, for IRM, waiting to satisfy NUREG standards!)

Dan Hill

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