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Re: release of patient based on NRCREG 35.75
At 09:40 AM 11/25/98 -0600, you wrote:
>In an earlier posting I had said:
>" Regulators are in an excellent position to guide radiation-related
>activities along the paths of reason and science, but instead seem compelled
>by public pressure to fall back on emotional and irrational tracks."
>I was corrected by an Ohio regulator, who wrote in a private communication:
>" Landfills fall under a completely different set of rules and regulations
>than hospitals. They're beholden to the Environmental Protection Agency,
>which mandates that landfills shall not accept or bury any radioactive
>materials period. The landfills all have radiation monitors, to prevent
>this from happening, because they will be fined for burying it."
>So it is the EPA that should be leading the way. I know how that goes.
>P. Sridhar Rao, Mailstop BSH5056, Univ Hospitals, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
>Tel: 216-844-1295. Fax: 216-844-3300. E-mail: psr@po.cwru.edu
>The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
>information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html
>Dear PS Rao:
Can you or anyone else document your statement that this is EPA's fault? I
doubt it. However, if it is, you should be able to cite the regulation(s)
that effect this mess. I have worked a good deal in California on this
problem, and the EPA has never been mentioned. Regulators other that Rad
Health are involved, but I believe that they are state, not federal,
The other reason I doubt this is that NRC has said that it will not write
regulations for landfills because of their fiasco called "Below Regulatory
Concern". NRC has suggested that states or learned organizations write
standards. NRC would not suggest this if in fact it was already regulated
by EPA.
Ciao, Carol
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information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html