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     Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.  It is a site in the desert South of 
     Carlsbad,NM that will (hopefully) be used for disposal of TRU 
     (transuranic) waste.  The types of waste primarily consist of 
     contaminated clothing, tools, etc.  In the future it may also be used 
     for disposal of BP (byproduct) material waste such as Cs-137.
     It is essentially a series of tunnels in a salt formation located some 
     2000 ft beneath the earth's surface.  The beauty of this facility is 
     that the salt acts as a slowly moving liquid that will eventually 
     completely entomb the waste stored there.  Parenthetically, I assume 
     the containers buried there (e.g., 55 gal. drums) will be able to 
     withstand the pressures they will eventually be subjected to by the 

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Author:  radsafe@romulus.ehs.uiuc.edu at guardian
Date:    1/7/99 12:55 PM

What is W.I.P.P.?

>Here in Los Alamos we have a store called Cotton Tails that also has a
>branch in Santa Fe.  Here in Los Alamos they do not have posted anti-nuke
>signs etc., but in Santa Fe they do.  I questioned why they did not have
>them posted in Los Alamos and the owner said that she would loose business.
>I told her that either she believed in something or she didn't and that she
>lost my business just because I felt her to be two faced.
>It would not surprise me in the least if the Albuquerque Wild Oats did not
>have a clue that they were on the list, and that it was completely done by
>the Santa Fe Wild Oats market because of the strong anti-WIPP etc.,
>feelings coming from many Santa Fe people.
>>We have received a list from Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive
>>Dumping (CARD) with the heading
>>and Wild Oats Market, 6300 San Mateo NE in Albuquerque (where I had been
>>shopping) is on this list. The list does say that stores listed display a
>>pink sign with the above legend, and I have never seen such a sign at that
>>particular Wild Oats. However, the listing indicates clearly to me that Wild
>>Oats Market doesn't want my business or, at least, if they knew that I both
>>supported opening the WIPP and had worked on it, they wouldn't want my
>>business.  There is a sort of "hate" aura about this.
>>I called Wild Oats  and yesterday got a return call from Wild Oats in Santa
>>Fe.  The gist of the call was that several years ago they had indeed
>>supported another anti-WIPP group, CCNS, and that such support was given
>>after polling their employees and getting a lot of phone calls and mail from
>>customers. I was promised a copy of a letter from Wild Oats legal department
>>stating their position, but the individual I spoke with did not paraphrase
>>or state that position for me.  I was asked what I wanted Wild Oats to do
>>and I responded that they should get their name off the list.  I also said I
>>would not shop there any longer as long as they had not repudiated the
>>position represented by the listing, and I would inform as many colleagues
>>as I could of their position.  So that's why this RADSAFE posting.  I also
>>suggested that for a food market to take a clearly political stance would
>>alienate some people and could possibly result in loss of customers.  There
>>was a lot more to the conversation, but this is the important part.
>>I have not heard from Wild Oats since the call yesterday or received a copy
>>of the legal letter.  By contrast Keller Farm Stores (a local market)
>>responded immediately and faxed us a copy of their letter asking to be
>>removed from the list.  Note that I am not asking for support for the WIPP,
>>but asking only that Wild Oats not advertise its opposition.
>>Wild Oats (Alfalfa Markets in some places) has stores in many states. They
>>have a web page listing their stores; the URL is http://www.wildoats.com.
>>cc: Sandy Valencourt, Wild Oats Market
>>Clearly only my own personal opinion.
>>Ruth F. Weiner
>>Sandia National Laboratories
>>MS 0718, POB 5800
>>Albuquerque, NM 87185-0718
>>505-844-4791; fax 505-844-0244
>>The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
>>information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html
>Sherry W. Jones, NMSM
>Los Alamos National Laboratory
>P. O. Box 1663, MS E524
>Los Alamos, NM 87545
>Phone (505) 665-2712
>Fax: (505) 665-8997
>E-Mail: swjones@lanl.gov
>The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
>information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html

The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html

The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html