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Re: Cost for Calibration

	That is OK if the license conditions warrant it.  But if the
license says they must calibrate to mR/hr, then they have to amend that
point before making the change in practice. 

On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 10:11:09 -0600 (CST) William Lorenzen
>Have you considered changing your calibration procedure to have the 
>calibrated by electronic pulsing and source efficiency checks instead 
>of in 
>mr/hr?  This has saved us countless hours, dollars and dose.
>We still send out to a local calibration company several meters for 
>mr/hr.  This  
>covers us for package receipt, exposure measurements and nuclear 
>William A. Lorenzen
>Children's Hospital
>Boston, Ma 02115

from Bob Scott
Roger Williams Medical Center
Providence, RI
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