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beta counters

The following message is forwarded from a colleague.  I don't know enough
about LSC brands to give him good advice.  I'd appreciate any comments,
either on- or off-list.  This purchase would be for a medium-sized biotech
firm doing research with the normal range of beta emitters and a
W-188/Re-188 generator.  Thanks!


Could you ask anyone on your cyberspace bulletin board if they have any 
comments concerning the Wallac 1414 Winspectral beta counter versus 
other brands.  Or do you have any comments.  I will need to make a 
decision concerning one shortly, the Wallac seems to be the latest 
technology and can handle microcentrifuge tubes and small vials easily.  
It is also self calibrating and has auto chemical and color quench 
correction.  Any comments?

Andrew Karam, MS, CHP			akaram@safety.rochester.edu
RSO, University of Rochester		http://www.rochester.edu/Admin/EHAS/rshpage.htm 
(716) 275-3781 (voice)				(716) 256-0365 (fax)

"Just as, from the pawprint alone, one recognizes the lion." Johann
Bernoulli, 1697 referring to Newton's anonymous solution of the
brachistochrone problem. 

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