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RE: Well Logging Contractor/Licensee

I would suspect that to be on the safe side, the contractor should request a letter of reciprocity from the NRC (Region I in your case).

Bill Ulicny
ATL International, Inc.

Tad Blanchard said

We will be having some environmental test wells drilled and logged at our
NASA facility (a federal installation) which is located within the State of
Maryland (an agreement state).  The contractor (I suppose) will be using
radiation sources within well logging equipment.  Here's my question:

If the contractor possesses only a "State" license, do they need to get
approval from the NRC prior to performing work at our federal facility?  If
so, what type of approval will be required?

PS.  We have an NRC Broadscope License but it does not include well logging

Thanks for your help (in advance).  

Please mailto:Tad.M.Blanchard.1@GSFC.NASA.GOV to save RADSAFE bandwidth.


************************** /^\   /^\ ***********************************
Tad  Blanchard            /__ \ /___\   NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center
Parallax, Inc                  O         Code 205.9, Greenbelt, MD 20771
Sr Health Physics Tech        / \                    Phone: 301-286-9157
Assistant RSO                /___\                   Fax:   301-286-1618
        primary -> mailto:Tad.M.Blanchard.1@GSFC.NASA.gov
        alternate -> mailto:tmblanch@pop200.gsfc.nasa.gov
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