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Re: HABIT Computer Codes for Evaluation of Control Room

HABIT has been revised.  HABIT V1.1 is documented in NUREG/CR-6210, Supp.1, dated October 1998.  Both the old and  the 1.1 version give the user the option of selection the dose conversion factors.  The options are based on FGR 11&12,  ICRP 30 or ICRP2.  Alternatively, the user can select a custom user supplied file.  In the old version, this selection is made in the "Select Nuclides" window in the TACT5 subroutine.  A bug in the GUI opens this window with FGR 11 indicated regardless of the actual selection in the case file.  In V1.1 the Main Window has a Nuclide Data Selection button which gives you the same options.  Copies of the NUREG can be obtained from NTIS in Springfield, VA,  <http://www.ntis.gov/ordernow>

Roger Pedersen

Anyone out there know:

1.  The basis and guiding document for the Dose Conversion Factors (e.g., FGR
11, EPA 400, Baldwin et al) used in the HABIT program [Computer Codes For
Evaluation Of Control Room Habitability] developed by Pacific Northwest
Laboratory as NUREG/CR-6210?

2.  Where I could obtain a copy of the program and supporting documentation?

Thank you,

Jack McCarthy
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The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html