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RE: FW: Nuclear Waste Through
Interesting. I had a call from a Denver City Council staffer a couple of
weeks ago, asking about HazMat routing. I referred them to 49 CFR Part
397, and to a contact of mine in the Colorado State Patrol. We also had
a similar series of "seminars" in the southeast two weeks ago re Mixed
Oxide Fuel and Plutonium transportation.
Capt. Bruce Bugg
HazMat Specialist - Enforcement Officer
Ga. Public Service Commission
1007 Virginia Avenue, Suite 310
Hapeville, GA 30354-1325
voice: 404.559.6627
fax: 404.559.4972
e-mail: bruceb@psc.state.ga.us
or: 75720.1177@compuserve.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Weiner, Ruth
Sent: Friday, March 05, 1999 8:10 AM
Subject: FW: Nuclear Waste Through Your Backyard: Nuclear Waste
Transportation in the West, 13 March 1999, Denver, CO
The speaker's list for the "seminar" on WIPP (see attached) reads like a
Who's Who of anti-nukes - there is no balance whatsoever to the program,
Resnikoff and Johnsrud and Hancock and Frishman are people we in the RAM
transportation business have confronted many times. I would urge anyone
the Denver area to go. It's bound to be awful, but we have got to stand
to these people! I think my husband and I may go, and I would be happy
have anyone else along from the Albuq/Santa Fe area (my car holds 3 plus
Clearluy only my own opinion
Ruth F. Weiner, Ph. D.
Sandia National Laboratories
MS 0718, POB 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-0718
505-844-4791; fax 505-844-0244
Please join experts in nuclear waste transportation and members of the
Sierra Club's Nuclear Waste Task Force in Denver, March 13,1999 for a
workshop on "Nuclear Waste Through Your Backyard: Nuclear Waste
Transportation in the West."
This very important and timely workshop is co-sponsored by the
of Colorado, Denver Student Activities, the Rocky Mountain Chapter,
Club, and the Nuclear Waste Task Force, Sierra Club. Funding for this
workshop is provided by a grant from the Sierra Club Foundation.
With Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) shipments projected to roll
from Rocky Flats and other DOE facilities sometime in 1999, this
will provide an educational opportunity to become informed on the
policy and public health aspects of radioactive waste transportation.
Topics covered at this event range from Yucca Mountain, WIPP, the DOE
Complex, to public health issues of radioactive waste transportation.
Please circulate this message to anybody you think may be interested in
this event!
WHEN: Saturday, March 13th, 1999
WHERE: Tivoli Turnhalle located in the Tivoli Student Union, University
Colorado at Denver (Auraria Campus, downtown Denver).
The RADSAFE Frequently Asked Questions list, archives and subscription
information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html