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contingency plans

I have been asked to post this request for information on RADSAFE.  Please
respond to Lois directly at lsowden@uottawa.ca. Thank you.

The question is:  
>Just thought I would check to see who out there has a contingency plan for
>radioactive emergencies. The plan itself would address releases which are
>larger than what could normally be handled by lab personnel or the radiation
>safety staff. Where I would anticipate a need for a plan would be in cases
>where the spill is large, in terms of activity, radiation exposure rates,
>volume or contaminated area/personnel. 
>I know a University in the States which experienced a fire that destroyed
>the whole building. The research building did have radioactive material on
>hand, and as a result the clean up activities were put on hold until the
>radioactive detection and decontamination procedures had been sucessfully
>complete. What a nightmare!
>This activity of contingency planning is spurred on by a number of factors:
>the provincial fire code requires contingency plans to be developed, my one
>personal fear of having to live through a nightmare and of course the huzzle
>and buzzle associated with Y2K. Which brings to be my last query...any
>thoughts on impact of the Y2K bug with regards to releases of radioactive
>material. Personnally I can not imagine any but.... 
>All thoughts are welcome and when a contingency plan is developed I will be
>happy to share it.
>Lois Sowden-Plunkett
>Head, Radiation and Biosafety
>Environmental Health and Safety Service
>University of Ottawa
>P.O.Box 450, Station A
>Ottawa, ON. K1N-6N5
>tel. (613)562-5800 ext. 3058
>fax. (613)562-5112
>email. lsowden@uottawa.ca

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