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interesting "calculators" -Reply

Some more interesting things found in another area of the same website at



10th Annual Protecting Mother Earth conference
next to Laguna Pueblo reservation, New Mexico, USA, June 10-13, 1999

Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) and the Diné CARE [Citizens Against Ruining the Environment] 

The focus will be on uranium issues, including workshops on mining and compensation initiatives to Native radiation victims
that were miners and millers in U.S. uranium mines. It will be held next to the Laguna Pueblo reservation, which was the site
of the uranium mine contamination and U.S. federal Superfund site - the Jackpile Mine. 


IEN National Office, Charlotte Caldwell, Tel. +1-218-751-4967, Fax: +1-218-751-0561, email: caldwell@northernnet.com 

Diné CARE, Anna Frazier, Tel. +1-520-657-3291, Fax: +1-520-657-3319, email: dinecare@cnetco.com

Other than that, the calculators use the EPA fairy world risk values, BUT it does show what a great value fuel cost is for nuclear power.

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information can be accessed at http://www.ehs.uiuc.edu/~rad/radsafe.html