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Re: radioactive devices
At 23:46 19.05.1999 -0500, you wrote:
>I've recently run across radioactive devices that may be of foreign
>origin. They seem to be aiming devices and the writing on them would
>lead me to believe they are Russian but, I can't confirm any of that.
>The activity label reads
> T 10,88GBq
>I've assumed this to mean 88GBq, but what is the T 10? Anyone have any
>ideas or other suggestions for what the activity label means?
>Robin Beasley
The T would indicate that it is tritium, which is very likely for aiming
devices. In the former Sovjetunion Curies are still in use, but the
activity might be given in Bq for export. In Europe (I do not know, whether
it is the case in the former Sovjetunion) we usually write a "comma"
instead of a decimal point, so 10,88 would probably read in the USA 10.88.
88 GBq tritium would be quite a lot, so 10.88 would be more appropriate.
Franz Schoenhofer
Habicherg. 31/7
A-1160 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-495 53 08
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e-mail: schoenho@via.at
Hofrat Dr. Franz Schönhofer
Federal Institute for Food Control and Research
Department of Radiochemistry
Kinderspitalg. 15
A-1095 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-40 490 27820
e-mail: schoenhofer@baluf.via.at
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