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RE: Personnel Contamination Monitor

> I like the Eberline PCM-2 they use at Clinton Power Station, which has a
> built-in Radon discriminator. This eliminates a lot of false alarms from
> Radon. They are more expensive than the PCM-1x though.

This is an improvement of the system at Clinton since I performed a 
NVLAP on-site assessment there a few years ago. At that time, my 
polyester pants kept setting off the alarm, and I couldn't get out of 
the RCB. After taking a lot of tape and pulling all areas of the 
pants, the system stopped alarming. I thought they were attempting to 
keep me from leaving the area, reducing the time I had to assess, but 
they didn't know I wasn't leaving until the next morning ;)

Sandy Perle
E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net 
Personal Website: http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/1205

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