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Urgent Request for Communication with Senators in Your State
In S. 1186, the Energy and Water Development Bill just passed by the
Senate Appropriations Committee, DOE's nuclear R&D programs were increased
to match the DOE's request for FY2000. Critical to the industry are the
following programs: $25 million for the Nuclear Energy Research
Initiative, $5 million for the Nuclear Energy Plant Optimization program,
and $12 million for the University nuclear science and reactor support
We have been advised that there will be at least one Senate floor
amendment to provide more funding for Energy Efficiency and Renewables
programs. The amendment will likely target nuclear energy programs to
increase what is an already robust solar and renewables portfolio.
We need your help. Attached is a suggested letter that we request you
adapt and send to your Senators. It is important that each of you support
this effort and that you ensure these letters are received by Congress by
June 15. The signature can come from you or from whomever in your
organization is designated to sign-out Congressional correspondence
(consistent with the urgency). Thank you very much for your help on this
Christopher W. Becker, Reactor Laboratory Manager
Phoenix Memorial Laboratory - Ford Nuclear Reactor
T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f M i c h i g a n
2301 Bonisteel Boulevard
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2100
Phone: (734) 764-6224
Fax: (734) 936-1571
June 5, 1999
The Honorable _______________
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator __________________:
I am writing to express my strong support for nuclear energy funding in
the FY2000 Senate Energy and Water Development Appropriations bill S.1186.
The Senate provided $287.7 million for nuclear energy activities including
$25 million for the Nuclear Energy Research Initiative, $5 million for the
Nuclear Energy Plant Optimization program, and $12 million for the
University nuclear science and reactor support program.
As a faculty member at _____________, I fully support these programs
because they provide badly needed resources to nuclear R&D efforts.. The
NERI program, for instance, recently provided 45 research grants to 21
universities, 16 companies and eight national labs to continue innovative
research and development in nuclear energy, science, and technology. I
urge your support for the $25 million recommended by the Senate
Appropriations Committee for FY2000 so that my research can continue next
The University Science and Reactor Support Program provides scholarships
and fellowships to nuclear engineering students across the nation. It
also supports university research reactors' fuel and instrumentation
needs. As there are 32 nuclear engineering programs in 25 states, the $12
million level would help towards ensuring the educational infrastructure
which produces trained nuclear engineers for government and industry
remains sound. Adequate funding is required to maintain this nation's
expertise in nuclear engineering and radiation science and a reduction to
this level would be detrimental to nuclear researchers here at
I am particularly concerned that there may be amendments which would
reduce nuclear programs, either by termination, or by an across-the-board
cut, during floor consideration of S. 1186. The nuclear industry provides
nearly 20 percent of the nation's electricity while solar, wind and other
alternatives are not expected to increase to little more than 3 percent of
generation by 2020. It makes sense to have a robust nuclear energy R&D
program to ensure nuclear energy supply for the future, and to maintain
diversity in the nation's energy supply.
Thank you in advance for your support in funding nuclear energy R&D and
opposing any amendment which would reduce these programs in FY2000.
cc: The Honorable Pete Domenici, Chairman Senate Energy and Water
Development Subcommittee
The Honorable Ted Stevens, Chairman Senate Appropriations Committee
The Honorable Harry Reid, Ranking Member Senate Energy and Water
Development Subcommittee
The Honorable Robert Byrd, Ranking Member Senate Appropriations Committee
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