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RE: Kosov DU - New Scientist Report
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frame, Paul [SMTP:FRAMEP@ORAU.GOV]
> There are a number of Radsafers who are very knowledgeable regarding
> uranium inhalation exposures that I would be interested in hearing
> from regarding the Rand study. Forgive the extensive quotations.
<many snips in the interest of the bandwidth>
> As best as I can determine, the human data on uranium inhalation is
> difficult to interpret and most of the animal studies were short term
> investigations.
> Thoughts?
> Paul Frame
I'm sure you are very well aware of this, but for the benefit of
our other RADSAFE friends, Newell Stennard's book "Radioactivity and
Health, A History" contains a very detailed discussion of these and
other studies regarding uranium. I would certainly recommend it for
those interested in this topic.
Is it a reference in the RAND report?
Doug Minnema
Defense Programs, DOE
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