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10 CFR 35 governing medical use
Hi, Radsafers,
I was told that, in 1997, The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
began the process of completely rewriting its regulations (10 CFR 35)
governing medical use of byproduct material, in response to its own
Strategic Assessment Initiative (1995-1997) and the Institute of Medicine’s
(IOM) highly critical 1995 report, “Radiation Medicine: a Need for
Regulatory Reform.”
Is it true that the final rule is expected to be approved by the NRC
Commissioners in June 1999 and implemented in Fall 1999? Can anyone tell
how to get a draft copy of the rule?
Please reply to me directly, unless you think the information is useful to
others too. Thanks a lot!
George Xu
Rensselaer polytechnic Institute
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