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salem county health

Below is a recent press release that I thought many of you would be
interested in.

Mike Baker ... mcbaker@lanl.gov

>>                     PO BOX 2344, CAPE MAY NJ 08204
>>                  609-886-7988/889-8667  norco@bellatlantic.net
>>                        http://members.bellatlantic.net/~norco/
>> Date: 06/12/99
>> For Immediate Release:
>>         Infant Health in Salem County Fares Poorly Since Nuke Start-up,
>>                               Says Radiation Health Group
>>      A new study by Joseph Mangano, Research Associate with the Radiation 
>>and Public Health Project indicates statistical connections between the 
>>Salem Nuclear Plants and infant mortality in Salem County from the time the 
>>reactors first went on-lie until at least the early 1990s. (copy of this 
>>study follows on next page, and also two graphs).
>>      In 13 of 16 years since 1977, while infant death rates were going 
>>down in the rest of New Jersey, in Salem County infant death rates were 
>>going up. Only in 1994 through 1996, a time when the Salem Nukes were 
>>largely or completely shutdown, were infant death rates lower than the 1977 
>>levels. Similar results are also found on the rate of stillborn children.
>>      “This startling finding”, said Norm Cohen, Coordinator for the UNPLUG 
>>Salem Campaign, “is one more reason why the Salem Nukes should be shut down, 
>>and the workers at the Salem Plant retrained or rehired at equivalent jobs 
>>by PSE&G, PECO, and Connectiv.  It is also why we need to support the Tooth 
>>Fairy Project, by continuing to collect baby teeth in the Salem area. First 
>>official results of the Tooth Fairy Project will be released this fall, and 
>>we want to have plenty of teeth turned in by then.”
>>     Melissa Medford, Salem area coordinator of the Tooth Fairy Project, 
>>can be reached at 935-9277.
>> Contact: Joseph Mangano: 718-857-9825
>>               Norm Cohen: 609-886-7988

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